Saturday, March 5, 2011

School starts in 3 days. . .

Aguila Christian Academy will start it's 2011 school year on Wednesday, March 9.

This is a school for the children of Helping Hands and Word of Life Bolivia missionaries. It is there on the Word of Life complex in Bolivia. I am the Director, a teacher, the janitor, the cook, the disciplinarian, the gardener, the. . . . Well, you get the idea. We are small, but we do great things. This year, we will have 20 students, ranging from 4 years old to 9th grade! I have at least one student in each grade except for 7th, which means we are not just teaching 20 students, we are teaching 10 different grades, all in Math, English, Spanish, History, Reading, Spelling, Science, etc. It is a tall order to fill, but with God’s help, we are able to do it. It is a bilingual school; we have full courses in both English and Spanish. Our goal is that when the students leave, they are fluent in both languages.

The reason we have a private school there on the property is that the missionaries were driving 3 hours each day to take their children into town to school! Losing so much ministry time! Now, they can focus on the ministry because we are focusing on their children! Last year, between the Helping Hands and Word of Life Bolivia, over 30,000 people heard the Gospel!! Águila had a direct part in that!

Our new school year starts on March 9 and runs until mid November. Please pray for God’s hand on the school, that we can minister to the children as well as the other teachers in the school. Also, pray that their parents can effectively share the Gospel this year with the people of Bolivia.