Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 1

The theme for the very beginning of our trip was, "Wait!" We waited at the church for our last team member; then we waited at the Atl airport for check-in, security, (and then security again! Apparently, if you leave the secure area of the airport, they will allow you to do it again! AND, if you left your Passport and Boarding Pass with your carry-on back at the gate, you get to send someone through security an additional time! And the TSA agents WILL show a slight sense of humor when you go through for the third time!)

Got to sit on the plane for about 45 minutes waiting for luggage.

We ate lunch at the Atlanta Airport, ate Supper at the Miami Airport, ate Supper (again) on the flight to La Paz, stayed on the plane in La Paz, so we missed that culinary experience (thank God); coffee on the flight to Santa Cruz; then lunch at the airport in Santa Cruz. Seems like all we've done so far, is eat. And still, at every stop, the first thing out of Matt's mouth at every stop is, "when do we eat?" I'm gonna need two plane tickets to get home.

Out flight from Santa Cruz got cancelled. Had to wait an additional hour. So Rachael broke out her guitar and we had church at Gate 1 in Santa Cruz. Had several locals singing and clapping along with us. Even had a guy from Brazil sit in with us with his guitar. We would take turns - we would sing a worship song in Spanish, then he would sing a love song on Portugese. It was a great time!

Finally arrived in Cochabamba a couple hours late, and Matt was ready to eat!

Bolivia is absolutely beautiful! We are completely surrounded by (Andes?) Mountains. Many of the peaks are covered with snow. But in the midst of the beauty of God's Creation, is desperate poverty. You can't escape it. But the people seem to be truly joyful.

Our first "official" ministry opportunity started about two hours after we arrived in the country. We split into two groups. My group went to a community of what I guess were mud huts, connected by a common wall. Every Sunday, the children from the community gather at the little church for "Happy Hour." They sing, play games, learn Bible Verses; and have snacks. We did a sort of Vacation Bible School. We Sang some songs in English, then had them participate in telling the Creation Story. The theme of the story was that they - the children - were the central theme of God's purpose in creation. Then we split into groups for Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Face Painting, coloring, and sharing the Gospel with the aid of Salvation Bracelet's. The kids ware amazing. They we so full of energy. So loving. And so ready to receive love.

Then after Supper [Matt was ready for Supper], we went to Cara Cara for church. We arrived a few minutes late, and they were already singing. They sing in Quechuan - which requires two translators for us to understand - one to translate into Spanish and another to then translate to English. They were really excited to have us with them.

After a couple of us shared our testimony, we split the group again to minister to the children. I got to share the Creation story and Salvation Bracelets with the teenagers.

These kids - all ages - are so hungry for love. They didn't want us to leave. And they used all of their English. They would say, "chow, bye," over and over.

Our first day lasted nearly 34 hours without sleep. We were miserable - at least when it was just us. But the time we spent with these wonderful people was worth every minute, every mile, every delay, and every dollar it took for us to get here.

Thank you for your support during our preparation. Now we truly covet your prayers as we strive to be the arms of Jesus for a whole bunch of people who simply need to be loved so they can discover just how special they are in God's eyes.

God bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you made it safely, and are already getting to minister to and share with the children. Sounds like an amazing time...we're praying for you all. May God work through you and in you this week. We love you!
